"Always be a poet, even in prose."

Charles Baudelaire
I am an African.
I owe my being to the hills and the valleys, the mountains and the glades, the rivers, the deserts, the trees, the flowers, the seas and the ever-changing seasons that define the face of our native land.

I am an African!
I owe my being to the Khoi and the San whose desolate souls haunt the great expanses of the beautiful Cape, they who fell victim to the most merciless genocide our native land has ever seen, they who were the first to lose their lives in the struggle to defend our freedom and independence and they who, as a people, perished in the result. Today, as a country, we keep an audible silence about these ancestors of the generations that live, fearful to admit the horror of a former deed, seeking to obliterate from our memories a cruel occurrence which, in its remembering, should teach us not and never to be inhuman again.

I am formed of the migrants who left Europe to find a new home on our native land. Whatever their own actions, they remain still, part of me. In my veins courses the blood of the Malay slaves who came from the East. Their proud dignity informs my bearing, their culture is a part of my essence. The stripes they bore on their bodies from the lash of the slave master are a reminder embossed on my consciousness of what should not be done.

I am a grandchild of the warrior men and women that Hintsa and Sekhukhune led, the patriots that Cetshwayo and Mphephu took to battle, the soldiers Moshoeshoe and Ngungunyane taught never to dishonour the cause of freedom. My mind and my knowledge of myself are formed by the victories that are the jewels in our African crown, the victories we earned from Isandhlwana to Khartoum, as Ethiopians and the Ashanti of Ghana, as the Berbers of the desert.

I am the grandchild who lays fresh flowers on the Boer graves at St Helena and the Bahamas, who sees in the mind's eye and suffers the suffering of a simple peasant folk, death, concentration camps, destroyed homesteads, a dream in ruins.

I am the child of Nongqause. I am he who made it possible to trade in the world markets in diamonds, gold, in the same food for which my stomach yearns. I come of those who were transported from India and China, whose being resided in the fact, solely, that they were able to provide physical labour, who taught me that we could both be at home and be foreign, that human existence itself demanded that freedom was a necessary condition for that human existence. Being part of all these people, and in the knowledge that none dare contest that assertion, I shall claim that: I am an African.

I have seen our country torn asunder as these, all of whom are my people, engaged one another in a titanic battle; the one to redress a wrong that had been caused by one to another and the other, to defend the indefensible. I have seen what happens when one person has superiority of force over another, when the stronger appropriate to themselves the prerogative even to annul the injunction that God created all men and women in His image. I know what it signifies when race and colour are used to determine who is human and who subhuman... I have experience of the situation in which race and colour is used to enrich some and impoverish the rest... I have seen concrete expression of the denial of the dignity of a human being emanating from the conscious, systemic and systematic oppressive and repressive activities of other human beings. There the victims parade with no mask to hide the brutish reality, the beggars, the prostitutes, the street children, those who seek solace in substance abuse, those who have to lose their sanity because to be sane is to invite pain. Perhaps the worst among these, who are my people, are those who have learnt to kill for a wage... Among us prowl the products of our immoral and amoral past, killers who have no sense of the worth of human life, rapists who have disdain for the women of our country, animals who would seek to benefit from the vulnerability of the children, the disabled and the old, the rapacious who brook no obstacle in their quest for self enrichment. All this I know and know to be true because I am an African! Because of that, I am also able to state this fundamental truth that I am born of a people who are heroes and heroines, of a people who would not tolerate oppression. I am of a nation that would not allow that fear of death, torture, imprisonment, exile or persecution should result in the perpetuation of injustice.

I am an African.
I am born of the peoples of the continent of Africa... The dismal shame of poverty, suffering and human degradation of my continent is a blight that we share. The blight on our happiness that derives from this and from our drift to the periphery of the ordering of human affairs leaves us in a persistent shadow of despair. Whatever the setbacks of the moment, nothing can stop us now! Whatever the difficulties, Africa shall be at peace! However improbable it may sound to the sceptics, Africa will prosper!

By Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki.
The Freedom Charter
Adopted at the Congress of the People, Kliptown, on 26 June 1955

We, the People of South Africa, declare for all our country and the world to know:
that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white, and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of all the people;
that our people have been robbed of their birthright to land, liberty and peace by a form of government founded on injustice and inequality;
that our country will never be prosperous or free until all our people live in brotherhood, enjoying equal rights and opportunities;
that only a democratic state, based on the will of all the people, can secure to all their birthright without distinction of colour, race, sex or belief;
And therefore, we, the people of South Africa, black and white together equals, countrymen and brothers adopt this Freedom Charter;
And we pledge ourselves to strive together, sparing neither strength nor courage, until the democratic changes here set out have been won.

The People Shall Govern!
Every man and woman shall have the right to vote for and to stand as a candidate for all bodies which make laws;
All people shall be entitled to take part in the administration of the country;
The rights of the people shall be the same, regardless of race, colour or sex;
All bodies of minority rule, advisory boards, councils and authorities shall be replaced by democratic organs of self-government.

All National Groups Shall have Equal Rights!
There shall be equal status in the bodies of state, in the courts and in the schools for all national groups and races;
All people shall have equal right to use their own languages, and to develop their own folk culture and customs;
All national groups shall be protected by law against insults to their race and national pride;
The preaching and practice of national, race or colour discrimination and contempt shall be a punishable crime;
All apartheid laws and practices shall be set aside.

The People Shall Share in the Country`s Wealth!
The national wealth of our country, the heritage of South Africans, shall be restored to the people;
The mineral wealth beneath the soil, the Banks and monopoly industry shall be transferred to the ownership of the people as a whole;
All other industry and trade shall be controlled to assist the wellbeing of the people;
All people shall have equal rights to trade where they choose, to manufacture and to enter all trades, crafts and professions.

The Land Shall be Shared Among Those Who Work It!
Restrictions of land ownership on a racial basis shall be ended, and all the land re-divided amongst those who work it to banish famine and land hunger;
The state shall help the peasants with implements, seed, tractors and dams to save the soil and assist the tillers;
Freedom of movement shall be guaranteed to all who work on the land;
All shall have the right to occupy land wherever they choose;
People shall not be robbed of their cattle, and forced labour and farm prisons shall be abolished.

All Shall be Equal Before the Law!
No-one shall be imprisoned, deported or restricted without a fair trial; No-one shall be condemned by the order of any Government official;
The courts shall be representative of all the people;
Imprisonment shall be only for serious crimes against the people, and shall aim at re-education, not vengeance;
The police force and army shall be open to all on an equal basis and shall be the helpers and protectors of the people;
All laws which discriminate on grounds of race, colour or belief shall be repealed.

All Shall Enjoy Equal Human Rights!
The law shall guarantee to all their right to speak, to organise, to meet together, to publish, to preach, to worship and to educate their children;
The privacy of the house from police raids shall be protected by law;
All shall be free to travel without restriction from countryside to town, from province to province, and from South Africa abroad;
Pass Laws, permits and all other laws restricting these freedoms shall be abolished.

There Shall be Work and Security!
All who work shall be free to form trade unions, to elect their officers and to make wage agreements with their employers;
The state shall recognise the right and duty of all to work, and to draw full unemployment benefits;
Men and women of all races shall receive equal pay for equal work;
There shall be a forty-hour working week, a national minimum wage, paid annual leave, and sick leave for all workers, and maternity leave on full pay for all working mothers;
Miners, domestic workers, farm workers and civil servants shall have the same rights as all others who work;
Child labour, compound labour, the tot system and contract labour shall be abolished.

The Doors of Learning and Culture Shall be Opened!
The government shall discover, develop and encourage national talent for the enhancement of our cultural life;
All the cultural treasures of mankind shall be open to all, by free exchange of books, ideas and contact with other lands;
The aim of education shall be to teach the youth to love their people and their culture, to honour human brotherhood, liberty and peace;
Education shall be free, compulsory, universal and equal for all children; Higher education and technical training shall be opened to all by means of state allowances and scholarships awarded on the basis of merit;
Adult illiteracy shall be ended by a mass state education plan;
Teachers shall have all the rights of other citizens;
The colour bar in cultural life, in sport and in education shall be abolished.

There Shall be Houses, Security and Comfort!
All people shall have the right to live where they choose, be decently housed, and to bring up their families in comfort and security;
Unused housing space to be made available to the people;
Rent and prices shall be lowered, food plentiful and no-one shall go hungry;
A preventive health scheme shall be run by the state;
Free medical care and hospitalisation shall be provided for all, with special care for mothers and young children;
Slums shall be demolished, and new suburbs built where all have transport, roads, lighting, playing fields, creches and social centres;
The aged, the orphans, the disabled and the sick shall be cared for by the state;
Rest, leisure and recreation shall be the right of all:
Fenced locations and ghettoes shall be abolished, and laws which break up families shall be repealed.

There Shall be Peace and Friendship!
South Africa shall be a fully independent state which respects the rights and sovereignty of all nations;
South Africa shall strive to maintain world peace and the settlement of all international disputes by negotiation - not war;
Peace and friendship amongst all our people shall be secured by upholding the equal rights, opportunities and status of all;
The people of the protectorates Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland shall be free to decide for themselves their own future;
The right of all peoples of Africa to independence and self-government shall be recognised, and shall be the basis of close co-operation.
Let all people who love their people and their country now say, as we say here:


The Republic - Part I

With bated breath, the nation awaited the election of the new president and his proposed plans for the country over the next five years. Change was on the horizon, creating a sense of excitement and uncertainty among the people.

During the recent national elections, political parties spared no expense, pouring record amounts of money into ensuring that their campaigns resonated with and persuaded as many potential voters as they could. Mantoa and a number of other independent candidates had to hustle for financial support and appeal for donations to fund their election campaigns. Smaller political parties also struggled to keep up with the financial backing of larger political parties.

Despite Mantoa's unwavering dedication and hard work, she understood the tough reality of facing seasoned political rivals and the slim chances of winning the national elections. Nevertheless, she fearlessly continued to advocate for the realisation of the "Freedom Charter" during her campaigns, echoing the dreams of those who fought and died for economic freedom for her people.

The country's recent elections wrapped up without any political party winning a decisive majority to lead the country for the next five years. The enduring dissatisfaction of the public with the existing government was evident in the voting, signalling a major change in the political scene. Now, it's a whole new ball game.

In light of the governing party's inability to secure a clear majority, the only alternative to retaining governance was to enter into a coalition with other political parties or independent candidates in order to reach the minimum requirement of 51 percent of the seats in parliament necessary to govern the republic. Having governed the country for the past two decades, this was uncharted territory and a humbling experience for a political party that has governed the country since the dawn of democracy.

It turned out to be a mammoth and an impossible task for the governing party to find a coalition partner, given their bad reputation for corruption and financial mismanagement. It would have been morally wrong for progressive parties to get into a coalition with the outgoing government, as many believed that it was a cesspool of corruption, and it drew away from its original mandate to reverse the injustices of the past. An official from one of the progressive parties likened forming an alliance with the outgoing government to embracing a saguaro cactus and trusting not to get pricked.

Extensive bargaining took place among progressive political parties as they aimed to wrap up coalition negotiations, swear in lawmakers, and elect the president within a maximum of 14 days after the election outcome was announced.

As if guided by the spirit of the forefathers of the struggle for liberation, progressive political parties endeavoured to unite and establish a coalition. With sufficient numbers to constitute a coalition government, they managed to reach a consensus after a week of negotiations. The negotiations were largely harmonious, as the progressive parties' policies shared similar objectives: rectifying past injustices and ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens.

Mantoa emerged with a parliamentary seat, surpassing her own hopes and expectations as a newcomer, independent, female candidate in a society fixated on patriarchy and wary of change. She was part of the coalition discussion and subsequent agreements that led to the establishment of the progressive coalition government. She was determined and ready to serve in the coalition government and to improve the lives of the peasants and common people who voted for her.

The rejoicing of progressive parties for finally reaching consensus on how they were going to join hands and govern the country as a coalition was brief when the moment came to address the crucial issue, the next item on the agenda: "Who will be the coalition's nominee for president of the country?". Three parties in the newly established coalition had a higher but equal number of seats, making it challenging for any party to claim rightfulness for the presidential position. All coalition member parties were aware that having their party leader elected and serving as the commander in chief for the next five years would be beneficial for them in the constituency during the subsequent elections in five years. They had to finalise their decision on the presidential nominee before the first parliament session in just two days. An adjournment was proposed considering the time, as it was already late in the evening. It was agreed that the meeting would resume the next day, the eve of the first sitting of parliament.

The adjournment afforded each participating party the time to deliberate on how they were going to tackle the next and final item on the agenda when the meeting resumes.

It was the next day when the public broadcaster announced that they had been invited by the progressive coalition to broadcast live the day's proceedings. This move was to afford the nation transparency at the crucial meeting where a supremely important decision has to be made on the national presidential incumbency. This was a way for the progressive parties to show the nation how transparent the coalition government was intending to be: as the old saying goes, "Nothing changes if nothing changes."

That day held significance, not only for those who participated in the recent national elections but for all citizens of the republic. People were glued to their TVs and radios as if the national soccer team were participating in a Soccer World Cup final. But this day held far greater importance. It marked a crucial juncture in the struggle for the economic emancipation of the previously disadvantaged.

While the past few days have been sombre, that day was particularly significant. It was as if the country was on the verge of a monumental shift, poised to embrace a new beginning. Some called it the calm before the storm.

Love In The Skies
Kourtney was absolutely passionate about skydiving, to the point where she would leave her husband and kids at home every weekend just to soar through the skies. With Theodorer as her skydyving partner, their shared passion for jumping out of planes soon led to a deep connection and a love story that unfolded in the skies every weekend, sharing intimate moments.

Kourtney eagerly anticipated each upcoming weekend to steal some time with Theodore. Little did she know that Theodore was also involved with another woman, Gwen, who was an avid skydiver and deeply infatuated with him. Gwen was aware of Theodore's relationship with Kourtney and was not pleased. Determined to remove Kourtney from the equation, she set out to make it happen.

Gwen's attempts to sabotage Kourtney's affair with Theodore were all in vain. Despite her best efforts, Gwen couldn't seem to put an end to Kourtney's affair with Theodore. The anonymous letters and creepy phone calls only added to Gwen's frustration. The situation was made even more challenging by the fact that Gwen and Kourtney were friends who always shared thrilling skydiving adventures together.

Gwen and Theodore had a lovely dinner out one evening, but when they returned to Theodore's place, they were greeted by a surprise: Kourtney was there, ready to spend the night with Theodore for the first time. Gwen had to keep her composure and spend time with both of them, hiding her feelings of jealousy. The night took an unexpected turn, with everyone finding themselves crashing at Theodore's place. Kourtney and Theodore shared the bed, while Gwen made do with a sleeping bag on the living room floor.

Gwen found herself sprawled on the living room floor, overwhelmed with frustration. In a sudden burst of anger, she sprang to her feet and grabbed a pair of scissors. Without a second thought, she began dismantling Kourtney's skydiving equipment that was lying nearby. She meticulously cut through the parachute, removing the pilot chute and severing crucial straps.

Two weeks later, Kourtney, Theodore, and Gwen were all geared up for a thrilling skydiving experience with a larger group. As they soared up in the plane, excitement filled the air. They leaped out and formed a perfect formation, but disaster struck when Kourtney's parachute failed to open. Despite her skydiving expertise, fear crept in as she frantically tried to release her reserve chute. With no luck, she plummeted over two and a half kilometres to the ground. Down below, a woman in her yard suddenly heard a crash and went to check. She discovered Kourtney in the bushes, and it was clear that Kourtney didn't make it. The police got involved and took Kourtney's parachute to a parachute expert. Without delay, the expert concluded that the parachute was tampered with. He also pointed out that the pilot chute was missing.

Gwen unexpectedly showed up at the police station with the missing pilot chute, claiming that Kourtney's gear was not sabotaged. However, her actions raised suspicion when the police realised that they had never disclosed the missing pilot chute. When questioned about how she knew, Gwen's refusal to provide details landed her at the top of the suspect list.

Following additional police investigation, it was discovered that Gwen, Kourtney, and Theodore were involved in a love triangle. It was revealed that Gwen had spent the night in Theodore's living room, near Kourtney's skydiving gear. She was found guilty at trial and sentenced to 25 years in prison for sabotaging Kourtney's parachute, leading to her death.
Love Is Blind

When Raymond, a lawyer with an eccentric flair, stumbled upon a breathtaking woman named Layla, he was instantly smitten. Her beauty left him spellbound, igniting an overwhelming desire to be with her more than anything.

He pulled out all the stops to win her heart. From lavish dinners to thoughtful gifts, he spared no expense. Every morning, he would wait outside her house, ready to drive her to work. His efforts paid off, and she finally relented, agreeing to give him a chance, leading to the start of their relationship.

Everything took a disastrous turn when they had been dating for about a year. One evening, during a seemingly normal date, Raymond dropped a shocking revelation: he was already married with children. This news shattered Layla, leaving her furious. Raymond attempted to reassure her, saying, "It's okay, I'm in the middle of a divorce," but Layla was far from convinced. In a desperate bid to regain her trust, Raymond even presented her with what he claimed were divorce papers. However, upon further investigation, Layla discovered that those papers were nothing more than a clever ruse. With a firm resolve, Layla ended her relationship with Raymond for good. She took some time to gather herself and soon met a guy named Scott. They hit it off and began dating, with Scott proving to be a genuinely nice person. A few months later, Scott proposed, and they got engaged. When Raymond found out about their engagement, he was furious. Instead of accepting reality, he spiralled into obsession, determined to win his Layla back.

He reached out to her incessantly, showering her with letters, flowers, and gifts. In a desperate bid, he even turned to her friends, pleading with them to pass along his messages. Unfortunately for him, none of these efforts bore fruit, leading him to resort to a more sinister approach. He began to threaten her, hurling rocks at her window in an attempt to instill fear, claiming he would send people to harm her. However, his intimidation only pushed Layla further away.

Layla was resolute; she had no intention of returning to Raymond, and her commitment to Scott was still strong. This pushed Raymond into a dark place. In a fit of jealousy, he plotted to ensure that if he couldn't possess Layla, he would make her undesirable to everyone else by hiring someone to mar her beauty.

On a seemingly typical morning, Layla was having breakfast when the doorbell interrupted her meal. She went to see who it was and found two men at the door, claiming to have a delivery for her. Suddenly, one of them hurled a jar of liquid at her face, and they bolted away as she screamed in agony, feeling the burning sensation of the liquid. An ambulance was called and quickly rushed her to the hospital, where she endured two and a half months of surgeries, leaving her with permanent blindness in one eye and partial blindness in the other.

Following her release from the hospital, she sat down for an extensive conversation with Scott, leading them to the difficult decision to end their engagement. They both felt that Raymond was too perilous and posed a significant threat and feared he might attempt to harm Scott next.

After four long months, the police finally managed to find the two men Raymond had enlisted to assault Layla. One of the suspects started singing like a canary, leading both men to confess to their involvement in the crime. They both claimed that Raymond was the mastermind behind the entire operation.

Raymond found himself in court, ultimately receiving a sentence of at least thirteen years behind bars. However, he faced a significant dilemma: his deep love for Layla remained unwavering, and he was resolute in his decision to fight for her love.

While serving his time, he found solace in writing letters to her, sharing his feelings of longing and his unwavering affection. Yet poor Layla was still facing her own battles. Though her attackers were behind bars, she was grappling with near blindness, financial difficulties, and the loneliness of living on her own. She began responding to him, and when Raymond discovered her financial struggles, he started sending her money. While in prison, he had taken on paralegal work, and he sent her whatever small amounts he earned. She relied on that support, which kept their communication steady. Over the course of twelve years, they maintained their connection, and eventually, the day came when Raymond completed his sentence and was released from prison.

After his release, Raymond reconnected with Layla, and he found himself in the spotlight once more. His past actions had made him a local figure of notoriety, particularly for hiring men to attack and blind his ex-girlfriend. This infamy led to an invitation for a live television interview. During the show, in a surprising twist, Raymond turned to the camera and proposed to Layla, capturing the attention of viewers far and wide. To everyone's astonishment, Layla accepted his proposal. Six months later, she married the man who had caused her so much pain, and they embarked on a new chapter together, seemingly living happily ever after.

More than a decade passed, during which Raymond had been unfaithful to Layla with several women, as one might expect. One of these women eventually came forward, revealing that she and Raymond had been involved for four years. However, she claimed that he had recently begun to harass and threaten her with violence, reminiscent of his behaviour towards Layla. This led her to file charges against him, and the case made its way to court. Surprisingly, Layla chose to stand by Raymond and testified as a character witness, asserting that he would never hurt a fly. Thanks to Layla, Raymond was able to evade most of the charges but was convicted of second-degree harassment. The couple continued their marriage, but tragically, about five years after the trial, Layla passed away.

In a bizarre turn of events, many years later, when Raymond had reached the age of ninety-one, he fell victim to his much younger caretaker, who cunningly swindled him out of his 8 million rands worth of fortune just before he took his last breath.

Most Wanted
Pradeep, a police officer stationed in Benoni, South Africa, found himself dissatisfied with his mundane life. Seeking excitement, he hatched a daring plan to rob a bank. He booked an early flight from Johannesburg to Durban, rented a car upon arrival, and drove to a local bank. Just before leaving his car, he slipped on a wig and a false beard. He then walked into the bank, waved his gun at the teller, and ordered her to stuff his bag with cash. Once he had the money, he quickly left and caught the next flight back to Johannesburg.

The heist went off without a hitch, and Pradeep was exhilarated. This rush led him to plan yet another bank robbery, and then another, until he found himself jetting off to Durban every time he had a day off work to pull off another heist. He even took to robbing local banks in Johannesburg during his lunch breaks. Thanks to his clever disguises, he could commit the crime and then return to the scene later to blend in, with witnesses completely oblivious to the fact that he was the culprit they were describing.

Pradeep had turned bank robbery into an art form; he was so familiar with the security systems that he could manoeuvre through them with ease, escaping capture time and again. Over four thrilling years, he pulled off heists at around 30 banks, each escapade offering him a jolt of excitement that kept him coming back for more.

One fateful evening, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. Amidst the buzz of a lively gathering, he overindulged in drinks and found himself deep in conversation with his friend Larry. In a moment of reckless confidence, he began to brag about his recent bank heists, asserting that he was an expert in the field.

Larry was employed by SAMBO, a division of the South African Police Service dedicated to tackling organised crime, economic offences, and corruption. Given his role and the oath he had sworn, Larry believed he couldn't remain silent about such a secret, so he ultimately decided to inform his superiors.

The next time Pradeep returned from Durban, still riding high from his latest bank heist, the police were poised and ready at the baggage claim. He was arrested, faced trial, and sentenced to 18 years behind bars. However, Pradeep wasn't about to give up; he began devising his escape plan the very day he received his sentence.

During his time in prison, he encountered a man named Mpande, and soon after, he met another inmate called Fanie. Both were serving time for robbery, and before long, the three of them formed a strong friendship.

After spending nearly three years behind bars, the trio devised an audacious escape plan. They began by Pradeep and Mpande pretending to be injured, convincing the prison guards to take them to an outside physiotherapist for treatment. Once they arrived, they seized the opportunity, overpowering the guards and snatching their weapons. With the guards' guns in hand, they hijacked the physiotherapist's car and made their daring getaway. After their escape, they decided to keep a low profile for a while.

Several months had gone by since they had escaped from prison and chosen to lay low for a bit. This time allowed them to strategise their next move: a daring rescue for their friend still behind bars. On a Saturday morning, during the guards' shift change, Pradeep and Mpande stormed the prison where Fanie was confined, guns blazing. They managed to break him out, and with all three now on the run, they sought refuge from the law.

Pradeep was restless and wanted to hit banks again; he yearned for that exhilarating feeling that came with it. So, the three of them embarked on a bank-robbing adventure, starting with one bank and quickly moving on to another, then a third. They continued their spree, robbing bank after bank, all while donning absurd disguises: oversized sunglasses, bushy moustaches, and phoney beards. They looked almost silly, but their teamwork was impressive, allowing them to complete a bank heist in under five minutes. On some days, they even managed to rob multiple banks in the same day without getting caught.

As their exploits gained notoriety, news of the bank robbers spread like wildfire through the community. Surprisingly, many locals began to rally behind them, captivated by how they outsmarted the police. Pradeep, Mpande, and Fanie found themselves transformed into unlikely heroes.

Over the course of several months, this series of crimes continued unabated. The gang members took refuge in safe houses, robbed banks whenever the opportunity arose, amassed a significant amount of cash, and spent their downtime with numerous escorts.

Pradeep had a troubling habit of approaching unsuspecting young women under the guise of a professional photographer. He would entice them to his hotel room with the promise of a photoshoot, only to exploit them in a horrific manner. One of his victims found the courage to report his actions to the authorities.

Untimately, the trio was declared South Africa's most wanted, with their images plastered across every media outlet, sparking conversations everywhere. The buzz about them was inescapable.

Aware that their capture was imminent, the trio devised a strategy to escape the country. They began by resolving to acquire a medium-size yacht, intending to escape the country by sea. They considered this route to be a safer option compared to taking flights. A couple of days later, Pradeep travelled to Melbourne, Australia, using a counterfeit passport to finalise the yacht sale negotiations.

The following day, at around 4:00 am, back in South Africa, law enforcement arrived at one of the gang's hideouts. The police were outside, and Mpande was the only one present at the location. It seemed that some of the escorts the gang was associated with had informed the police about their hideouts.

Police ordered the gang to come out with their hands raised. In a surreal moment, Mpande, still dripping from his shower and entirely naked, reached for his weapon and found himself in a frantic butt-naked shootout with law enforcement. The police burst into the house, and gunfire erupted around him as he dashed from one room to another, firing back at his pursuers. When they finally cornered him, he made a tragic choice, turning the gun on himself and ending it all.

In the meantime, Fanie received a tip-off that the police were closing in on them. He quickly made his escape, using a counterfeit passport to catch a flight to Dubai. By the time the police conducted their raid on the gang's safe houses, he had already vanished. However, in one of those locations, they discovered photographs of a woman whom Pradeep had assaulted several months earlier. This evidence not only corroborated her account of being exploited by him but also linked the safe house directly to Pradeep.

The safe house provided crucial information that directed the police to the yacht they had purchased. From there, they traced a crew member hired to navigate it, who revealed that Pradeep was meant to transport the yacht to Melbourne, Australia.

This development led law enforcement to conclude that Pradeep might be in Australia. Local newspapers caught wind of the story and began featuring Pradeep's photo, causing residents in Melbourne to be on the lookout for him.

One fateful morning, everything began to unravel for Pradeep. He was browsing a car dealership, eager to find a new car, worried that his old one might give him away. The salesman, having seen Pradeep's face in the local newspaper, kept quiet at first but later decided to alert the authorities.

That night, the police made their way to Pradeep's apartment, forcefully entering the premises. But to their dismay, Pradeep was nowhere to be found. Just when it seemed like they were at a dead end, one of the officers saw him whizzing by on a bicycle. There was no mistaking it; he knew it was him. The police officer ran over and confronted him. Pradeep, realising what was going on, jumped off his bike and made a run for it. The police officer pursued him relentlessly until he finally caught up. Pradeep, who had been feigning surrender, suddenly lunged for the officer's shotgun. In a split second, the officer reacted by drawing his secondary weapon and fired four shots into Pradeep's chest, resulting in his immediate death.

Fanie, the last survivor of the trio, found himself in Brazil, where he attempted yet another robbery. His plan failed spectacularly, resulting in his arrest and a life sentence with no possibility of parole.
Lost At Sea
As the elderly couple looked on, they witnessed a peculiar sight: a man crawling through the sand. He was naked, barely able to stand, clutching a knife, and shouting something in a language they couldn't comprehend.

Willem, a fearless fisherman who braved the dangers of the deep sea to reel in Geelbek and Cape Snoek along the cold Atlantic waters. One morning, he made the spontaneous decision to embark on a two-day fishing escapade. With his usual fishing buddy unavailable, he sought out a replacement. That's when a young and inexperienced angler named Ashley eagerly stepped up to the challenge. Together, Willem and Ashley set sail on the Atlantic waters.

Over the course of two days, they dedicated themselves to fishing and managed to accumulate a total of 500 kilograms of fish. This impressive catch would bring in a tidy profit once they returned home, equivalent to a week's earnings. Unfortunately, their journey back took an unexpected twist as they set sail homeward. Without warning, a massive storm descended upon them, filling the boat with water. Panicked, Ashley grabbed a bucket to scoop out the water while Willem fought to steer through the turbulent waves. Luckily, the storm eventually subsided, revealing land on the horizon.

They were approximately two hours from the shore when the boat's engine began to stutter and eventually stopped. Willem quickly grabbed a two-way radio and contacted his boss to inform him about the engine failure. His boss inquired about their location, but their GPS had malfunctioned. As if things couldn't get any worse, the storm began to gather strength, causing the boat to be violently tossed around by towering waves, lifting them up to 10 metres high before dropping them back down. Upon realising that the 500 kilograms of fish they had caught were making the boat unstable, Willem made the decision to dump it all out. They continued to throw overboard anything else that was not useful, such as extra ice and fuel, in order to lighten the load and restore stability to the boat.

When the two-way radio suddenly went silent, Willem and Ashley had already been working tirelessly to remove water from the boat for a couple of hours. Despite their best efforts, the engine remained stubbornly inactive. Willem's anger boiled over; he was seething with rage and completely lost control. He grabbed a club typically used for killing fish and violently smashed the boat's engine. In a fit of frustration, he tossed the dead GPS and radio into the water.

With nightfall and dropping temperatures, the two men had no choice but to huddle under an overturned cooler for warmth and shelter.

Meanwhile, back on land, a search party was organised to find the missing duo. However, the relentless storm continued to rage on, making visibility extremely poor. After two days of fruitless searching, the decision was made to call off the search.

Five more days dragged on before the storm ceased its fury. Willem and Ashley were left disoriented, realising they were in the middle of nowhere. Hunger gnawed at their stomachs, and there was no food or water left on the boat. With Willem's tools lost at sea, he had to improvise. He spent time honing his skills at catching fish with his bare hands. They had no choice but to eat their catch raw and drink their own urine to stay alive.

One fortunate day, a seabird landed on their boat, giving them a stroke of luck. Willem wasted no time in seizing the opportunity and swiftly took the bird's life. They managed to sustain themselves by consuming the bird for a couple of days until rain finally poured down, allowing them to gather water to drink. For approximately two months, they survived by eating raw fish and collecting rainwater whenever possible.

With each passing day, Ashley underwent a transformation that deeply affected his demeanor. Sinking into a state of despair, he rejected any form of sustenance. The mere idea of consuming raw animals repulsed him to the point where he abandoned eating entirely. His condition worsened, prompting Willem and Ashley to fear the worst. In a desperate move, they made a pact: if Willem survives, he will reach out to Ashley's mother with a message intended exclusively for her. He reluctantly agreed to the plan.

One rainy morning, following over three months of being adrift at sea, Ashley succumbed to starvation. Willem was heartbroken to find himself alone. The bond they had formed during their harrowing ordeal was strong, leaving Willem feeling incredibly isolated. He found himself conversing with Ashley's lifeless body, unable to let go. After six days, he came to the realisation that it was not healthy to continue pretending the corpse was still alive. He shoved Ashley's lifeless body into the ocean, then continued to survive on his boat adrift at sea.

Another month passed, and Willem was still there, living off the land, catching fish, drinking rainwater, and talking to birds and dead fish.

Suddenly, Willem spotted a new type of bird: not the usual seabirds, but land birds. In the distance, he could make out a mountain top, which turned out to be connected to an island. It was a glimmer of hope that maybe he could keep his word and deliver the message to Ashley's mother.

The island was approximately an hour away, and Willem steered his boat in its direction. As he neared, he plunged into the water and swam for dear life to the shore. Upon reaching it, he found himself too feeble to stand, completely unclothed, and armed with a knife for safety. He laboriously crawled onto the beach and into the jungle, where he came across a house occupied by an elderly couple. They saw him crawling around naked with a knife, shouting in Afrikaans. The elderly couple ended up helping him get to the hospital.

So what is this island that Willem finally landed on after being lost at sea for more than four months? Willem had drifted almost 2800 kilometres all the way from coastal Cape Town to the Tristan da Cunha island.

A month later, after being rescued and coming back to Cape Town, South Africa, he paid a visit to Ashley's mother and was able to pass along Ashley's last message to her.

His incredible story landed him a book deal, but then Ashley's family sued him for two million rands, claiming half of the book sales.
Tamed Housemates
A peaceful Sunday morning turned chaotic for Azizi as he was brought to the emergency room. He was in agony, bleeding, and had huge bite marks on him, mostly on his arms and legs. He claimed it was a Boerboel that attacked him, but the doctors doubted the validity of his story due to the size of the wounds.

Meanwhile, the police received an anonymous tip suggesting that a wild animal might be on the loose in the city after having bitten someone. The tipster provided the police with the address of an apartment in Langa. Upon arrival, the police heard a menacing growl coming from inside through the front door.

Eager to investigate, they made their way to the apartment next door, grabbed a drill, and started making tiny holes in the wall to peek inside. To their shock, they were met with the unexpected sight of a 200-kilograms African lion lounging in the Langa apartment. The pressing question was: how on earth did the king of the jungle end up there?

Azizi, a 31-year-old part-time driver for a ride-sharing company who had a strong love for animals. He went to the extent of illegally acquiring an infant Cape baboon and a lion cub from an exotic animal trainer in Cape Town and bringing them to live with him in his government-subsidised apartment in Langa. Azizi already had a ball python named Sly living with him in his apartment, and now he also has a Cape baboon and a lion. What could possibly go wrong?

When Azizi acquired the Cape baboon, it was unwell, leading to a short life span. Sadly, the baboon passed away shortly after, but the lion cub survived. Azizi named the cub Shiba and raised him in his apartment, providing him with his own room, a sandbox to play in, and transitioning him to solid food. Their bond grew strong, making them the best of friends.

After two and a half years had passed, Shiba had outgrown his cub days. He had transformed into a 200-kilogram African lion, yet he still resided in that government-subsidised apartment with Azizi and Sly. Azizi supposedly fed him 8 to 10 kilograms of chicken daily, considering his massive size. Lions sure do have big appetites!

If you thought a man and a giant lion sharing an apartment was a recipe for disaster, you wouldn't be alone. However, against all odds, everything was actually going perfectly well.

It was a regular day until Azizi encountered a stray house cat lingering right outside his doorstep. Driven by his affection for animals, he welcomed the cat into his home, adopted him, and lovingly named him Shadow. To ensure Shadow's comfort, Azizi arranged a special room for him, away from Shiba.

After about three weeks, Azizi and Shiba started playfully wrestling, their usual way of playing together. Suddenly, Shadow emerged from his room, and Shiba, catching a glimpse of him, immediately switched into wild animal mode. He sprang into action, pursuing Shadow relentlessly around the place in an attempt to capture and eliminate him. Azizi quickly reacted by positioning himself between Shiba and Shadow, only to end up being tackled by Shiba. Azizi held onto him tightly to prevent him from going after Shadow, but that's when Shiba latched onto Azizi's neck, then his arm, and finally clamped down on his knee, refusing to release his grip.

Azizi found himself in a precarious situation when his knee ended up in the mouth of an African lion. The tense standoff lasted for two long minutes before Shiba decided to release him. Feeling remorseful, Shiba quickly sought refuge in the bathroom. In great pain, Azizi was forced to dial for paramedics, who quickly transported him to the hospital. It was then that he fabricated a story about a Boerboel attack, worried that they would uncover Shiba and take his lion away.

Back at the neighbour's place, the police officers gazed through the hole they had created in the wall and were startled to find a fully-grown lion lounging inside. "Yoh, yoh, yooh!" the officers exclaimed in disbelief. Now, they needed to brainstorm a strategy to safely remove this 200-kilogram "ingonyama" without becoming its next meal.

A police officer rappelled down the building with a tranquilizer gun in hand. Upon reaching the apartment window, he glimpsed Shiba inside. Taking aim through the bars, he fired a dart, striking Shiba in the rear end.

Shiba's reaction was clear: he was not happy with the situation, leading him to getting angry and charging at the window, repeatedly slamming against it. Fortunately, Shiba eventually succumbed to the tranquillizer, and the police were able to safely remove both Shiba and Sly from Azizi's apartment before relocating them. As expected, Azizi was then taken into custody.

Charged with reckless endangerment and keeping wild animals without the proper permit, he was convicted and handed a fifteen-month prison term after a court hearing.

Sly, the ball python, was rehoused in a snake sanctuary in Cape Town, and Shiba was moved to an animal sanctuary in Paarl, where he had the opportunity to run and play with other big cats, including lions.

Until the age of nineteen years and four months, Shiba lived in that location, a significant lifespan in lion years. Sadly, he eventually passed away from natural causes.
"One of the sayings in our country is Ubuntu - the essence of being human. Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can't exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness. You can't be human all by yourself, and when you have this quality - Ubuntu - you are known for your generosity. We think of ourselves far too frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are connected and what you do affects the whole world. When you do well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity."

Desmond Tutu


